This week I just heard really terrible news from my mommy of triplets friends, one of them lost her husband he died caused of a terrible cancer, and a couple of days ago a friend of mine posted in her Facebook status the condition of a mommy of triplets who was going into labor at 26 weeks of her pregnancy and in labor lost one of their little angels and having two little ones in the NICU and that early it is just so hard to imagine all the trials that those babies have to go through.
I feel blessed because even thou I have trials and they are hard, I do have all 3 of my babies, I am thankful they are healthy, I am thankful they didn't came into this world that early, I am thankful they just spent 5 weeks at the NICU and now I have them every night next to me, I am thankful these three little baby girls are in my life and they teach me so much, I am thankful to be a mom, I am so thankful I can hug and kiss goodnight each of my babies, I am thankful I see them cry, play, smile, sleep and breath every day of my life.
I can't imagine my life without them, I can't even remember how my life used to be when they weren't here, and for that I am thankful for having these little three angels that Heavenly Father sent me to become a better person.