Daughters are angles sent from above to fill our heart with unending love. In my daughter's eyes I am a heroI am strong and wise and I know no fearBut the truth is plain to seeShe was sent to rescue meI see who I wanna beIn my daughter's eyes
Friday, September 17, 2010
5 months photo shoot
I can't believe they're 5 months old I remember as if it were yesterday when they were 5 days old. My babies are getting bigger and older everyday, I have to say that they are amazing.
A blessing in my life
♥♥♥The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh ♥♥♥
Ashley minutes old
Kelly minutes old
Hailey minutes old
Ashley ♥ Hailey ♥ Kelly
13 days old
Our first Halloween
1 1/2 year old
1 year old
Eleven months old
Ten months old
Nine months old
Eight months old
Seven months old
Six months old
Five months old
Four months old
Three months old
Two months old
One month old
she is the smallest but the strongest I love you baby girl, little Ash is the oldest of the trio she was the smallest she was born on April the 14th and her weight was 3lbs.
She is the second one who arrived to this world on April 14th she is a sweet baby she wants always to get stronger she likes to move around she was the first to keep her head up, I love you Kelly
She loves to smile she likes to be next to mom and listen to her I call her my best friend because she will listen to me with her big wide open blue eyes, I love you princess
Chewbie is 4!
Our Chewbie turned four on May 26! (And yes, we still call him Chewbie.
We probably always will). After watching all the other kids celebrate
their b...
A Few Pictures
I have spent my computer time making a photo book of our trip, two times
over. For some reason I thought the program I was using automatically
saved. It ...
Catching Up
Checking things out with the Leopards
One Corn Dog...
Feeds three
Can't beat it!
How time flies, and how quickly things change! I've obviously neglected
Funny moments
I know that many of you read this blog hoping to read some funny stories,
and this post, I think, will deliver. Over the past few months when I took
a blo...
Potty Products, Overload!
While online searching for a potty training seat to go over the big potty,
I came across an Eco Friendly Bamboo seat. Tell me why you'd buy anything
Now Hear This
I'm sure most of you reading this blog know that Sean has continuously
failed hearing tests for his right ear since birth. While in Hawaii the Drs
told us ...
We've Moved!
Pack your bags, we're moving! That's right, we are officially a .com! You
can now find us at www.Multiplesandmore.com so update your bookmarks and
come joi...
Hey....where y'all been?
Sorry its been awhile. But here are some pics I dug up.
This was a couple days ago.2007 2008Here are some more random photos taken
off *my phone. *I know......
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